Sunday, April 2, 2017

#7 It's Just Business

There is supposed to be no discrimination in the workforce. Yet we hear all the time about racism in the workforce, sexism in business. What nobody seems to talk about is homophobia in the workplace. Nobody talks about it but that doesn't meant that it's not there. There are many people who will keep their sexual orientation a secret in the workplace to avoid discrimination, teasing, or just uncomfortableness. In the article "One Job, Two Lives: LGBT in the Workplace" originally posted on CNN, a man named Sam has worked at the same place for 27 years and he is still closeted to his coworkers. It started in the 80's when people literally had to fear for their lives if they were homosexual. Now people are more accepting but still LGBT people feel less respected and uncomfortable talking about it in fear of discrimination. Currently there is only one openly gay Fortune 500 company CEO, Tim Cook, the CEO of the Apple Corporation. Many LGBT individuals right now are lying about their private lives, omitting facts, and doctoring photos to keep their sexual orientation secret. In many states there are no laws to protect LGBT people from discrimination. Another closeted employee, who works at a major corporation in a state that can legally fire, or not hire someone based solely on the fact that they are gay. There are currently 29 states where no law exists to protect LGBT people in the workplace. There is a lack of activism on the subject of LGBT discrimination in the workplace, although it is still a huge issue. What are we going to do to stop it? There needs to be some kind of legislature passed that protects LGBT people from being fired for their personal lives. Until that happens remember #LoveWins.

Original Article


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