Sunday, March 26, 2017

#6 I Don't Bi It

Bisexual is not a new term, but there are people who still believe that this sexuality doesn't exist or shouldn't be respected.  Even among the queer community bisexuals are looked down on. There are many lesbians and gay men who won't date a bisexual because they feel that they are unreliable, greedy, and confused. There are so many stereotypes about bisexuals that are false.

Most often bisexuals are seen as confused because they can't make up their mind or they are using the term bisexual as a stepping stone to eventually come out as gay or lesbian. Many people have done this before, they will come out as bisexual to their families to soften the blow, to not disappoint them too much. Later when they realize that they are just gay or lesbian, it reinforces the stereotype that bisexuals are just confused or lying. There is also the bisexual phase. A lot of girls during their freshman year of college will start to experiment and say that they are bisexual, but they are usually just heterosexual. This reinforces the idea that bisexuals are unreliable and usually just lying. Then there are the people who just believe that bisexuals are greedy and that they can't be trusted in a serious relationship because they have double the chance to cheat on their partner.

Sexuality is a difficult to understand and sometimes people can be confused on what their identity is at first, this doesn't mean that bisexuality doesn't exist or doesn't deserve respect. There are a lot of men and women that identify as bisexual and they face discrimination even inside the community that is supposed to be accepting of them. We must remember the motto love wins. This motto embodies the LGBT community so we should be accepting of all sexual identities. So, until next time always remember #LoveWins.

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